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HM0043 Dreams' Bracelet 寻梦手环

Length: 17cm
Price: RM25

HM0042 Baby's Kawaii Bracelet 宝贝可爱手环

Celebration for Babies.

with cake in this little christmas tree.
Length: 12cm

Let's go to the ocean.

Length: 12cm

HM0042 A (Left) RM8
HM0042 B (Right) RM8

HM0042 Merry-go-round Necklace 旋转木马项链

I drop my dream somewhere.

I turn around and round and round.

I found it, it is in my heart but no where.
我在我心里深处 遇见了它

Length: 68cm
Price: RM18

HM0041 Dream Chest Necklace 心愿盒项链

Keep your dream in it.
把你的愿望 偷偷藏在里面

And bring it eveywhere.

And hope, one day, the dream will come true.
直到有一天 你的梦终于实现了

Length: 58cm (buckle attached)
Price: RM18


HM0040 Antique Necklace 古铜个性项链

Little Antique Long Necklace

With Flower, Coin and Pin

The best combination.
Length: 64cm (round)
Price: RM15
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